Premiere: from the bottom

Yesterday, I decided that I needed a place to share information with a broader audience about my life living with a child who has a chronic illness. Navigating that can be tricky for anyone, much less a Utah mom. I'll get to those specifics in a minute. Let's just say that yesterday I hit bottom. You know it if you've been there. The day begins and continues with tears, frustration, anger, fear, prayers, more bad thoughts of when will this get any better, and how will I put dinner on the table and move on with my life. Seriously. If you're a mom, you've probably been there once or twice, maybe more. No more details necessary when your kid is sick. I don't have to spell it out. You know. I am a mom. I live in Ogden, Utah beforewhich, I was not a mom. Maybe this is stating the obvious, but I'm a little bit older than most moms here. (Hint: I'm way past my thirties). In fact, my first day at a new job in Utah promted the question I never thought I'd ...