It takes a quiet day to have enough time to reflect on blessings and Thanksgiving. Today is that day. It’s been a little over a year since my last update about Gerard , his health and our family, and there is much to share. Please excuse any typos or writing tense errors as I’m trying to rattle this off while I have time. Gerard is ten years old. He will turn 11 on December 24, 2018. He is still a very good-natured, sweet boy and is fighting IBD like a warrior. He makes good grades and would love to be able to do more than is possible on any given day, just like most young boys. Last fall, we moved Gerard to a new school for his mental and physical wellbeing. The school he attended for third grade was fancy and new, a great big building with the latest and greatest technology and close to our home. It was amazing that there were some great Title 1 programs, and his teacher was too fabulous for words. But the bullying on the playground and on campus was unbearable...